News and events

Magyar irodalomtudomány I.: Irodalomelmélet és kortárs magyar irodalom 1.
  Krasznahorkai László a helyét keresi  
The independent art department is present with free contemporary art courses in different educational fields of higher education institutions from the fall semester 2013-14.
With Péter GYÖRGY and Gábor VIDA about Transylvania-images, ethnicities, solidarity
The First Transylvanian Slam Poetry Contest took place on 21th July, 2013 on the Peninsula Festival.
We are celebrating our 140th "birthday". Come, join us!
Anna Nagy won the first prize in the section of Pedagogy, Psychology, Andragogy organized in Eger, Hungary, 4-6 April, 2013.. Her supervisor: Zsuzsa Selyem. Congratulations!
We invite you to the reading in memoriam Tibor Bálint on 10th November, 2012, room Eminescu. Guests: