News and events

The latest event of the literary-philosophical workshop co-organized by the Invisible College.
The latest event of the literary-philosophical workshop co-hosted by the Invisible College in Bulgakov Caffé.
Professor Dávid Csorba from the College of Nyíregyházawill lecture on the burial of Mihály Apafi. Please, join us to listen to him.
Our department will be the co-host of the series of lectures and screenings entitled Aki Kaurismäki and his predecessors presented by Tuomo Lahdelma and Jarmo Valkola from the University of  Jyväskylä (Finland).   Kaurismäki and His Predecessors A Course on Finnish National Cinema and Its Literary Roots Tuomo Lahdelma and Jarmo Valkola (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)   Tuesday, April 5, 2011 18:00 – A Presentation of Aki Kaurismäki's Productions from the 1980s until the Present (Sapientia EMTE University, str. Matei Corvin nr. 4., room Óváry) 20:00 – Film screening*(Sapientia EMTE, room Óváry)   Wedneday, April 6, 2011 16:00 – Aki Kaurismäki in the Finnish Cultural and International Film Tradition – BBU, Faculty of Letters, str. Horea nr. 31, room Popovici) 20:00 – Film screening*(Sapientia EMTE, room Óváry)   Thursday, April 7, 2011 16:00 – Kaurismäki's Film Style and Narrative Ideas 1 (BBU, Faculty of Letters, room 243) 20:00 – Film screening*(Sapientia EMTE, room Óváry)   Friday, April 8, 2011 12:00 – Kaurismäki's Film Style and Narrative Ideas 2 (Sapientia, room Óváry)     *The audience may choose which films will be screened from among the following Kaurismäki productions:        Juha (1999)                                                 The Match Factory Girl (1990) Drifting Clouds (1996) The Man Without a Past (2002) Lights in the Dusk (2006)
2011. április 8, péntek, Bezdechi terem   9:00-11:10:  Az irodalom mint szolgálat és/vagy (ki)szolgáltatás? Moderátor: Papp Ágnes Klára 9.00-9.20 Orbán Gyöngyi: Németh László „hozzászólása” konferenciánk témájához
The release of the book about the Hungarian translations of Kalevala by Varga P. Ildikó: From Hiisi's Elk to the Wonderdeer.
We have launched our official Facebook page
It has been confirmed that our colleague will take part at the prestigiuos European Cultural Studies Conference in Norrköping.
The freshmen group of Hungarian studies together with their mentor, Levente T. Szabó took part in the Blythwood Romania ShoeBox Project coordinated by one of our students.
The Hungarian linguistic and literary studies will launch the university year 2010/2011 with the inaugural lecture of dr. Attila Benő.
The Invisible College presents the Workbook, a supplement of  the journal Látó, 2010/7
Between October 25-31, 2010 Jankó Szép Yvette participated at the biennial seminar for translators of drama organized by the Finnish Theatre Information Centre in cooperation with the Finnish Literature Exchange Centre.