Workshop leaders:
Prof. Dr. Csilla Gábor
Dr. Anna Farmati, senior lecturer
About the workshop
The antecedent of todays’ workshop was the research that began around the mid ’90-ies. In that period the research was focused basically on the sermons written in the Early Modern Period, along with studying the 16–17th century books, literature and culture of history. It proved very promising: this work resulted in essays, dissertations and publications. All these became the pinpointers of the following workshops.
Since 1994 the leaders and members of the workshop participate regularly at conferences held in Romania, Hungary and in other foreign countries and publish their research and findings.
The interest and themes changed and expanded, as well as the approach. What has stayed the same in these diversified research fields are the synchronizing of philological accuracy (in some cases the discovery of unknown texts) and creative interpretation.
2007 is a landmark, because since that year it is possible to continue this kind of research within the framework of the PhD program of Hungarology at the Faculty of Letters.
This research group has been collaborating with Hungarian institutions since the beginning of the workshop itself, mainly with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Literary Studies; the University of Debrecen, Department of Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies; and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Department of Hungarian Literature. This collaboration was confirmed in 2013 by an official contract of cooperation:
Among the members of the workshop are many who have been invited to hold lectures at different international conferences and congresses. We also welcome professors, senior lecturers, PhD students from other universities to share their knowledge and newest findings with us.
The workshop bears the name Res Litteraria Transylvaniae Vetus Literature and Cultural History Workshop since 2012.
Research programs:
2001: Kegyességi törekvések, irodalmi realizációk I. (Devotional endeavors, literary accomplishments I.; supported by: Sapientia Foundation, The Institution of Research Programs)
2002-2003: Kegyességi törekvések, irodalmi realizációk II. (Devotional endeavors, literary accomplishments II.; supported by: Sapientia Foundation, The Institution of Research Programs)
2003-2004: A történetmondás rétegei a kora újkorban (The layers of the history of storytelling in the early modern period; supported by: Sapientia Foundation, The Institution of Research Programs)
2004-2005: Műfajok, beszédmódok, társadalmi szerepek a kora újkorban (Genres, manners of speaking, social roles in the Early Modern Period; supported by: Sapientia Foundation, The Institution of Research Programs)
2005-2007: Szöveghagyomány és íráskultúra a kora újkorban (Tradition of texts and culture of writing in the Early Modern Period; supported by: Sapientia Foundation, The Institution of Research Programs)
2009-2010: Textológiai alapvetés: kéziratolvasás, paleográfiai gyakorlat, a szöveggondozás és -kiadás elméleti és gyakorlati kérdései (Textologycal foundations: deciphering manuscripts, paleographical exercise, editing and publication and its practical questions; supported by: NTP-OKA, this projecrt was realized thanks to the Invisible College)
2010-2011: Segítőszentek a középkorban és kora újkorban (Fourteen Holy Helpers in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period; this project was realized thanks to the Invisible College)
2015–17: Traditions – reinvented, reconsidered, forgotten, reshaped. Reformations and (re)interpreted S(s)cripture, devotion, identity and social changes at the borderline of eastern and western Christianity (BBU project within the framework of our participation in the RefoRC platform)
Conferences organized by our workshop
3rd of May 2003: Irodalmak a 16–17. században (Literatures in the 16–17th centuries; co-organizer: Transylvanian Museum Association)
24-27th of May 2006: Emlékezet és devóció a régi magyar irodalomban (Memory and Devotion in the Old Hungarian Literature; co-organizers: the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Literary Studies)
9th of December 2006: „Lőn ennek írása az jó Kolozsvárba”. Tinódi és az epikus énekköltészet (Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos and the Epic Poetry of Song; co-organizer: Transylvanian Museum Association)
15-18th of November 2007: Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet – Elisabeth von Thüringen: Magyar-német kultúrkapcsolatok Kelet-Közép-Európában/ Ein Beispiel für ungarisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen im ostmitteleuropäischen Raum (Elisabeth von Thüringen: Hungarian–German Cultural Relations in Eastern-Central Europe; co-organizers: The Caritas of the Archbishop of Gyulafehérvár/ Karlsburg and Hungarian research workshops)
8-11th of October 2008: Erdély reneszánsza (Transylvania’s Renaissance; co-organizer: EMKE)
8-9th of January 2010: A fordítás kultúrája – szövegek és gyakorlatok (The Culture of Translation – texts and practices, organized by the Babeș–Bolyai University, Department of Hungarian Literary Studies)
22-25th of August 2011: A közép- és kora újkori lelkiség nyelvei: hagyományok és irányváltások (Languages of Spirituality of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period: Traditions and the Cchanges of Orientations; the VIIth Congress of Hungarology, Literature Section)
26-27th of August 2011: A regionalitás politikai argumentumai a kora újkori magyar kultúrában: modellek, esetek és diskurzusok (The Political Arguments of Regionality in the Early Modern Hungarian Culture: Models, Cases and Discourses, the VIIth Congress of Hungarology, Literature Section)
22th of March, 2013: Nemzeti (ön)reprezentáció, uralkodói reprezentáció a kora újkorban (National (Self)Representation, Monarchical Representation in the Early Modern Period), workshop
Phd thesis defenses
Lóránt Balla: István Csete’s Sermons in Manuscripts and the Publications of János Gyalogi: Originality, Translation, Intermediations in the Early Modern Jesuit Sermons, (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Csilla Gábor, date: 12th of Dec., 2013.)
Örs Dóczy: Literature in the 17th Century Transylvanian Helvetic Education (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Csilla Gábor, date: 21st of Sept., 2015.)
Franciska Kónya: The 17th Century Hungarian Spiritual Literature: the Case Study of István Tarnóczy (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Csilla Gábor, date: 8th of Nov., 2012.)
Ágnes Korondi: Mysticism in Late Middle Age Hungarian Monastic Literature (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Csilla Gábor, date: 14th of Oct., 2014.)
Kinga Papp: Familial Patrician Writing Practice in the 17-18th Century Transylvania (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Csilla Gábor, date: 12th of Febr., 2012.)
Anna-Rózsika Szilágyi: Early Modern Hagiography: Genres, Traditions, New Models (Officia oratoris András Illyés’ legendry and early modern saint legends), (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Csilla Gábor, date: 15th of Febr., 2012.)
Selected Publications
Csilla Gábor: Káldi György prédikációi: Források, teológia, retorika (The Sermons of György Káldi: Sources, Theology, Rhetoric), Debrecen, Kossuth University Press, 2001.
Csilla Gábor: Religió és retorika: Tanulmányok a középkori, reneszánsz, barokk irodalomról (Religion and Rhetoric: Essays on the Literature of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque), Cluj-Napoca, Komp-Press, 2002.
(ed.) Csilla Gábor: Devóciók, történelmek, identitások (Devotions, Histories, Identities), Cluj-Napoca, Scientia, 2004.
(ed.) Csilla Gábor: A történetmondás rétegei a kora újkorban (The Layers of the History of Storytelling in the Early Modern Period), Cluj-Napoca, Scientia, 2005.
Csilla Gábor: Doctrine – Virtue – Memory: Seventeenth-Century Hungarian Devotional Literature in European Context, Cluj-Napoca, University Press, 2007.
(ed.) Mihály Balázs–Csilla Gábor, Emlékezet és devóció a régi magyar irodalomban (Memory and Devotion in the Old Hungarian Literature), Cluj-Napoca, Egyetemi Műhely, 2007.
Anna Farmati: Más régi ének. A XVII. századi katolikus népénekköltészet szövegtípusai és motívumrendszere (Other old song: The 17th Century Text Types and Motifs of Chatolic Church Songs), Cluj-Napoca, Verbum, 2009.
(ed.) Csilla Gábor–Katalin Luffy–Gábor Sipos: Erdély reneszánsza I–II. (The Renaissance of Transylvania I-II.), Cluj-Napoca, Transylvanian Museum Association, 2009, 3.
(ed.) Csilla Gábor–Ágnes Korondi: A fordítás kultúrája – szövegek és gyakorlatok (The Culture of Transaltions –Texts and Exercises I-II.), Cluj-Napoca, Invisible College, 2010.
(ed.) Csilla Gábor–Ágnes Korondi–Katalin Luffy–Zsombor Tóth–András F. Balogh: Nyelv, lelkiség és regionalitás a közép- és kora újkorban (Language, spirituaity in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period, Cluj-Napoca, Egyetemi Műhely, 2013.
Keresztyéni felelet: Hitviták a 16–17. században (Christian Answer: Poemical writings from the 16–17th Century), foreword and notes: Csilla Gábor, transcription by: Zsuzsánna Deák; Zsófia Köllő, Cluj-Napoca, Polis, 2013.
(ed.) Zsófia Köllő: „Irtam a’ magam Tanulo-házatskámban”. A Res Litteraria Transylvaniae Vetus Irodalom- és Művelődéstörténeti Műhely fiatal kutatóinak tanulmányai („I wrote this in my little learning house”. Essays of the young researchers of the Res Litteraria Transylvaniae Vetus Literature and Cultural History Workshop), Cluj-Napoca, Egyetemi Műhely, 2013.
Csilla Gábor: Laus et polemia: Magasztalás és vetekedés közép- és kora újkori szövegtípusokban (Laus et polemia:Laudation and Polemics in Texts from the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period), Debrecen– Cluj-Napoca, Egyetemi – Egyetemi Műhely, 2015.
Kinga Papp: Tollforgató Kálnokiak. Családi íráshasználat a 17–18. századi Erdélyben (Members of the Kálnoki family as writers. The Utilization of Family Writing in the 17–18th Century Transylvania), Kolozsvár, Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, 2015.
Anna Farmati: Szeráfi kalandok. Értelem és értelmezés: régi szövegek új kontextusban (Seraphic adventures. Comprehension and Interpretation: Old Texts in New Contexts), Cluj-Napoca, Egyetemi Műhely, 2015.
Franciska Kónya: Tarnóczy István és a kora újkori meditációs irodalom (István Tarnóczy and the Early Modern Meditation), Cluj-Napoca, Egyetemi Műhely, 2015.
Anna-Rózsika Szilágyi: Kora újkori hagiográfia: műfajok, hagyományok, új modellek (Officia oratoris Illyés András legendáriumának mártírtörténeteiben és a kora újkori szentek legendáiban) (Early Modern Hagiography: Genres, Traditions, New Models (Officia oratoris in András Illyés’ legendary and the legends of early modern saint), Cluj-Napoca, Egyetemi Műhely, 2015.