Associate Professor, PhD.
E-mail: iberszan@yahoo.com
Education and training
· 1986–1990, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Hungarian and Russian language and literature, BA
· 1992–1996, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Hungarian Literary Studies, phd program; dissertation: An exit from literary theory, 1998.
Research interests
· Rites of reading and writing
· Practice research
Major research projects
· OFAJ (Office Franco-Allemand pour la Jeunesse): Interculturality – Corporeality and Culture, Berlin 1995. okt. 29 – nov. 5.
· Gyakorlat és pragmatika [Practice and pragmatics A dispute with Richard Rorty].Sapientia Foundation, Institute of Research Programs, Cluj,(leader of research),1 Nov, 2001 – 31 Aug, 2002.
· Az éthosz felújítása a kortárs elméleti vizsgálódásokban [Renewal of the éthosin recent theoretical investigations].Sapientia Foundation, Institute of Research Programs, Cluj,(leader of research), 1 Oct, 2004 – 31 Jul, 2005.
· Experimental workshops:Literature and the culture of practice, 2000 – 2011.
Major publications
· Kivezetés az irodalomelméletből [Exiting literary theory], Marosásárhely: Mentor 2002.
· Irodalomelmélet – olvasásgyakorlat [Literary theory and the practice of reading], Kolozsvár: Presa Universitara Clujana 2006.
· Terepkönyv. Az írás és az plvasás rítusai – irodalmi tartamgyakorlatok [Landrover Book. Rites of Reading and Writing] (2007. Kolozsvár: Koinónia).
· Semiosis and Other Rites. In ed. Jeff Bernard, Gloria Withalm: Myths, Rites, Simulacra. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium of the Austrian Associations for Semiotic Studies, University of Applied Arts Vienna, December 2000, Vol. I., Wien: ÖGS 2001. 217-224.
· Mediation and Passage: As it is in Heaven. In ed.Ágnes Pethő: Words and Images on the Screen: Language, Literature, Moving Pictures, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2008, 339-350.
· Historical Criticism – Orientation int Time(s). In ed. István Berszán: Orientation in the Occurrence. Kolozsvár: Komp-Press 2009. 193–205.
· Hegység, mely emberi nevet visel.Bodor Ádám írásgyakorlatának mozgásterei. [Spaces of writing in the stories by Ádám Bodor], Helikon Irodalomtudományi Szemle 2010/1-2. 20–38.