International conferencen on comparative literature

Nemzetközi komparatisztikai konferencia

The Hungarian Comparative Literature Association is an active member of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) and organizes its annual conference at the main Hungarian universities and comparative literary centres of Hungarian communities outside the borders of Hungary. In 2019 the Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania’s largest and most prestigious university is hosting the annual meeting of the Hungarian comparative literary scholarship. The organizers proposed a main theme and conference structure that reflects also the peculiar aims and mediatory role of the Hungarian scholarly community from Transylvania. Therefore the second part of the conference aims to forge new scholarly networks between the Hungarian and the Romanian comparatists, and it is introduced by a special keynote that is also part of the Hugo von Meltzl and Sámuel Brassai Memorial Lecture series hosted by the Faculty of Letters where the two scholars edited and published the first international journal of comparative literary studies, the Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum. The detailed programme of the conference is available at

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