Mikó Imola

Mikó Imola

E-mail: imolamiko@yahoo.com



  • Seminars:The History of Hungarian Literature (the second half of the 20th century)
  • World Literature. Wandering in different infernos
  • Tutorials: Contemporary reading techniques. Contemporary prose on film


Education and training

  • 2008 ‒ PhD student at the Babeş-BolyaiUniversity, Faculty of Letters, Department of Hungarian Literary Studies
  • 2007–2008 MA in Literature and Society, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Hungarian Literary Studies Department
  • 2003–2007 BA in Hungarian Language and Literature – English Language and Literature, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters
  • 2004‒2008 member of the Invisible College of Cluj-Napoca


Research interests

  • body poetics in contemporary literature and film
  • adaptation studies, film theory


Major research projects

2009-2010 The representation of ill bodies in film ‒ POSDRU-project, at Oxford Brookes University, School of Arts and Humanities, Film Studies Department

2008 Contemporary body poetics, peripheral figures and language deviances ‒ Agora- scholarship, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies

2006 Modern and postmodern deconstructive literary techniques – Agora-scholarship,  at The University of Pécs, Modern Literary Studies Department

2005-2006 Contemporary literary techniques – CNCSIS-project, Romanian-Hungarian government grant, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Department of  18th‒19thcentury Hungarian Literary Studies and School of English and American Studies


Major publications

  • The Trauma of the Ephemeral Body in Michel Houellebecq’s Atomised and Oskar Roehler’s Elementarteilchen);, http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/mikotpaper.pdf, 2011
  • Making Sense of The English Patient http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Mikó-paper.pdf, April 2011
  • The Genre of Social-Political Thesis Theatre (The Woman as Battlefield by Matei Vişniec, Directed by Mona Chirilă)”, 2011
  • Hagyomány, intertextusok Kukorelly Endre Kicsit majd kevesebbet járkálok c. kötetében. [Tradition, intertexts in Endre Kukorelly’s volume I Will Be Walking A Bit Less] Látó, March 2008.
  • Lovagolni jeges tájon? A zongoratanárnő prózában és filmen. [Riding on Frozen Land? The Piano Teacher in Prose and Film.] Kalligram, October 2008.
  • Az utolsó tangó. (Salman Rushdie: Sálímári, a bohóc). [The Last Tango. (Salman Rushdie: Shalimari, the Clown.] Korunk, August 2008
  • Szövegtest/Filmtextúra. (Parti Nagy Lajos A fagyott kutya lába – Pálfi György Taxidermia) [Bodytext/Filmtexture. (Lajos Parti Nagy The Leg of the Frozen Dog – György Pálfi Taxidermia)] Kalligram, December 2007; Látó Workbook, November 2007.