Molnár Bodrogi Enikő


assistant professor, PhD.



Education and training

·            1986-1992, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Hungarian Literature, Hungarian Language and Literature as major subject, English Language and Literature as minor subject


Research interests

·            Sociolinguistical, sociological and psychological approach of the collective identity of linguistic, ethnic and religious minorities.

·            The situation of Fenno-Ugric minorities in Fennoscandia.

·            The history of reception of Miklós Jósika’s novels.


Major research projects

·            The structure of the collective identity in the Keresztény Magvető review. The research is conducted in cooperation with the Transylvanian Unitarian Church Archives.

·            Writing didactic materials (manuals, dictionaries) for the students of Finnish language. This is a project of all teachers of Finnish language and Literature from the Faculty of Letters of the Babeş-Bolyai University.

·            As a member of the Meänmaan Kieliraati (Meänmaa Language Council, Sweden) I take part in the language planning of Meänkieli language.

·            As a researcher of Meänkieli, I cooperate with the researchers of Baltic Finnish minority languages at the Finnish Department of Oulu University.


Major publications

·            Jósika Miklós műveinek fogadtatástörténete. (The History of Reception of Miklós Jósika’ Works. Monography.) Erdélyi Tudományos Füzetek 241. 198 pg. Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület. Cluj, 2003.

·            Molnár Bodrogi Enikő, Pályi Éva Ildikó: Limba finlandeză pentru tine. Manual de conversaţie. (Conversational Dictionary in Finnish for Romanians) 156 pg. Polirom, 2003.

·            M. Bodrogi Enikő, Varga P. Ildikó:Finn nyelv kezdőknek. (Finnish Language for Hungarian Beginners) 107 pg. Editura Ábel. Cluj-Napoca, 2004.

·            M. Bodrogi Enikő, Pályi Éva Ildikó, Varga P. Ildikó: Limba finlandeză. Simplu şi eficient. (Finnish Language for Romanian Beginners) 173 pg. Polirom, Iaşi, 2005.

·            Revitalizing minority language and ethnic identity: the case of the Kvens in Norway. = Études Finno-Ougriennes. Tome 39. 2007. L’Harmattan. Paris. p. 123–145.

·            Strategies of Language Revitalization in Scandinavia. = Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education. CLIE – 2008. Eds: Cornelia Ilie, Teodora Popescu, Rodica Pioariu, Rodica Chira. Alba Iulia. (Romania) Aeternitas. 2008. p. 573–582.

·            A nyelvnélküliségtől az emberré válásig. (From Being Deprived of Mother Tongue to Human Status. The Torne Valley Culture) = Kultúrák határán. Ed. Bányai Éva. RHT Kiadó, Bukarest-Sepsiszentgyörgy. 2010. vol. II. 117–127.