Prison and Writing – Prison Literature in Early Modernism

Börtön és írás ‒ börtönírás a kora újkorban

Dr. Zsombor Tóth, researcher of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Literary Studies is going to hold a public lecture in Cluj-Napoca next week:

Börtön és írás – börtönírás a kora újkorban [Prison and writing – prison literature in early modernism]

The lecture discusses the early modern Hungarian aspects, respectively corpus of the so-called prison literature, a group of texts from Boethius up to Primo Levi. The anthropology of writing and the history of ideas are the context for the analysis that deals with the prison experience and its written witnesses in the Hungarian tradition. A new light is due to be shed upon the experience of exile and the emigrational culture of the early modern period, both interwoven with prison literature.

Date & location: 6th March 2018, 6 pm; BBU, Faculty of Letters, Brassai room