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Name: Sipos Erika
Date and place of birth: Aprilie 9, 1978, Miercurea-Ciuc
E-mail: serika9@yahoo.com
Research area: Philology – Hermeneutics/ The Problem of Death in Kosztolányi’s poetry
1. 1992-1997: Pedagogical High School "Benedek Elek" in Odorhei
2. 1998- 2002: „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy
3. 2004-2005: Master's programme: „Hermeneutics and culture”: „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of Philosophy
4. 2007-2011: Sapientia University, Faculty of Economic and Human Sciences, Department of Romanian Language and Literature - English Language and Literature
5. 2014-…:Doctoral School of Hungarology Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letter, Specialization: Hermeneutics
Work: „Csipike” Play School
2000: Review: Gál László: „Nyelv és logikusság”(Language și Logicity)In. „LélekjelenLét” I. year / number 4.
2004: : Review: Király V. István: „A halál és a meghalás tapasztalata” (The Death and the Experience of Dying) In.: Erdélyi Múzeum, 2004./ 1-2.
2004: Study: „Az igazság esztétikája” (The Problem of Esthetical Truth)/ In. Conference Volume: Arról, ami állítható”, Editura PresaUniversitara Clujeana, 2004
Professional activity
2001: Fellowship: „Eötvös József” University, Faculty of Philosophy, Budapest
2002: CEEPUS fellowship,Faculty of Philosophy,Miskolc
2003: Conference: „Arról, ami állítható” UBB, Cluj,
2008: Teacher training and qualification: „Atestat de formare continua a personalului didactic”
2016- : Waldorf Teacher Training